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AtomsNet is (c) Willem de Bruijn, 2001 and licensed under the BSD Public License. All sourcecode is made publicly available. AtomsNet and the AtomsNet website are hosted by
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Welcome to the atomsnet website. Here you can find background information, support, discussion forums and downloads related to atomsnet. Please use the links on the left to navigate.



Our main application, combining key features of other programs:

Information System: Automatically index the information on a computer.

Using special algorithms and optional plug-ins, the application will try to learn as much about the data as possible. This database of information on information (metadata) can help you organize your files and save valuable time. Adding personal metadata by hand is also possible.

Webserver: Find information using any webbrowser

Using the AtomsNet is very simple and easy to learn due to its web interface. You can fully customize the way users access your information by changing the standard website. AtomsNet can therefore easily integrate into any website you may already have. Changing the way AtomsNet looks and feels is, however, not necessary since a homepage showing all the options of the system is part of every distribution. Click on the 'gateway' link on the left to view this standard layout.

Peer to Peer Application: Share information with friends or coworkers

Connect your local server using a local network or the internet to others and share your information. Learning from applications as Napster, gNutella and others, the AtomsNet combines the looks of a website with the dynamics of a peer-to-peer network. The complexity of the network is kept invisible to the user and application owner, while the implementation allows for far more uses than the swapping of mp3's alone.

System Requirements

AtomsNet will run on any Win95/98/Me/NT4/2000 computer, but the Microsoft MSXML parser 3 or higher is necessary. You can download MSXML 3sp1 here. You are advised to use a computer with a 500Mhz or better processor and at least 128MB or RAM, but any system running one of the aforementioned operating systems should suffice.

AtomsNet main screen
atomsnet main menu

Further information

AtomsNet is licensed under the BSD Public License, therefore all sourcecode is made freely available. The application is still under development, so a few bugs might exists. I therefore advise users to update the program frequently (new versions are released about once a week). Please read the helppages (with screenshots) or visit the gateway to learn more about AtomsNet.

Spin-Off Utilities

Using AtomsNet's sourcecode, I will write some small utilities. At the moment I have one such program entitled 'the Basic File Transfer Utility'. This program functions like Windows Networking, enabling users to copy data to and from another system using an explorer-like interface. The main difference with Windows Networking is that it uses standard TCP/IP instead of a LAN. All in all a very basic filetransfer utility, hence the name.

BasicFileTransferUtility main screen