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Sharing data

Sharing the data can be accomplished by opening the 'share my data' menu. From that menu you can select to open a database. As soon as the file is successfully loaded the webserver is started. Only if the 'open file' buttons become grayed is the network active. Please open the message window and try again if the network is unable to load. This usually means that the local port is already occupied or the database cannot be loaded correctly.

As soon as the webserver is active a background process starts as well. This process tries to find other servers on the network and remains active as long as the webserver is active. Only when no remote server is given in the settings or when the maximum number of simultaneous connections is set to zero will this process stop immediately. How many connections are active can be seen at the bottom of the menu. Here a message can be found that usually reads 'no connections' upon network activation. During the active period other servers can be found, increasing the number of connections. This number will never exceed the maximum number of simultaneous connections as given in the settings dialog.

Leaving the network is accomplished by clicking the the 'close and return' button. It might take a while before the menu is actually closed. This is not a bug. During the waiting time the server is gracefully closing all active connections and closing the webserver. Since the system might be busy we have to wait a little while. Please be patient and wait for the system to return. Shutting down the application (for instance with the Windows Alt-F4 combination) will shutdown the network much faster, but can result in data inconsistencies.

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